Monday, December 28, 2009

House: You sure you want to know? If it makes it any easier, I’m going to tell you anyway.

Whitney: We want to know.[House looks at the chart, saying nothing]

Geoff: What does it say?

House: Don’t leave. [He leaves, looking serious]

[House comes back]

Geoff: Been waiting here for six hours. Am I the father or not?

House: No. But, she also didn’t cheat on you. Normally, sperm meets egg, DNA meets DNA, goes back to her place. Cells divide. Nine months later, joy is bundled. That’s normally. Abnormally, an egg could have two naturally occurring gene mutations that don’t naturally occur together. Spontaneous calcium spike could prep the egg for fertilization without sperm and a division mistake could let the egg split up without ever needing male DNA at all. Parthenogenesis. A baby without a daddy. In humans it’s only ever been theorized, but it was never proved. Until now. Mommy, baby. Your daughter has only maternal DNA. I personally checked this five times. In seven months you will have… a virgin birth. [Geoff is overcome] Merry Christmas.
originally blogged by

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